This blog is about crossing cultures, Christian ministry, music, Biblical studies, fatherhood, leading worship, books, movies, and stuff like that. It's generally NOT about electronic gadgets, politics, philosophy, sports, etc. Not that I necessarily have a problem with those things.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The public reading of Scripture

Good post by Josh Otte over at Eucatastrophe with some tips for scripture reading in corporate worship. (Thanks for the recommendation, JD.)

Though he does address it in point 4 when he talks about preparation, I would emphasize that your reading of the text (meaning out-loud) will depend heavily on your understanding of the author's argument. The way your voice inflects will change depending on how you understand what the author is saying. So I'd say it's important for those who read scripture to have a basic exegesis of the text in mind before they get up to read--perhaps the preacher could give this to the scripture-reader in a phone call during the week.

Regarding the monotone reading of God's word, I'd say a church needs to carefully choose who's reading publically just as they do with those who preach and sing. Some people read aloud well, and some don't. I guess erring on the other extreme would apply as well--you wouldn't want someone who's distractingly theatrical.